Thursday, May 31, 2018

What do I do now? How about a blog?

You know that moment after you graduate (after going to school for 17 years straight) that you don't know what to do from here. That's me right now.
I have quite a bit going on in my life but I still felt like something was missing so a coworker suggested I share my creativity and ideas with the world, so lets see how this goes!

For starters let me share the INSPIRATION for the name (see what I did there.) First off I love pineapples! I have them all over my desk at work and my kitchen. The only reason they aren't all over my house is because my Fiance would let me, but I still snuck a few pillows with pineapples on them in the living room. Everyone knows my love for pineapples so I get pictures all the time of people out shopping, if the see a pineapple they send it me. I think it's a healthy obsession but other may think I'm crazy. 
Now, golden this one is simple and something I can't wait to run with. The Fiance I mentioned earlier his last nane it Golden. So in October when we official tie the knot I'll be Golden! 
Alright as I think of more I'll add it to my about me page till then be patient, I'm new at this I get all my crazy ideas organized first. Till next time Aloha!

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